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Red Kite Learning Trust


Year 11 Support

This page provides a summary of all the support available to Year 11 students.  Students also have access to revision material from each subject via their Showbie folders.


Key Dates after Half Term

  • w/c 24 February and w/c 3 March - Second mock exams
  • Saturday 1 March - Saturday revision session 1 - see below how to book
  • Saturday 8 March - Saturday revision session 2 - see below how to book
  • Monday 11 & Tuesday 12 March - Year 11 Geography Fieldwork
  • Saturday 15 March - Saturday revision session 3 - see below how to book
  • Wednesday 19 March - Year 11 History trip to Thackeray Museum
  • Saturday 22 March - Saturday revision session 4 - see below how to book
  • A list of all key dates can be found at the bottom of this page

Year 11 Information Evening - Tuesday 11 February

Thank you to everyone who attended the information evening.  Click on this link to access a copy of the slides.

Year 11 Preparing for your GCSE exams booklet

Front cover image

The booklet contains an overview of summer exam dates, some revision top tips from Miss Smith and blank revision timetable templates that you can use to manage your time over the coming weeks.  Alongside this each faculty have created a bank of must do, should do and could do activities to help you plan your revision from now until the start of your exams.  This is a week-by-week suggestion of how to structure your revision, as we know sometimes the hardest thing is knowing where to start! Most of the must do tasks are homework tasks, but as these are generally revision and recall tasks at this point, this very much counts.

Students can tick off tasks as they do them and also annotate a RAG status for each week so you know which topics might need a revisit. Printing off the revision timetable and completing it each week with sessions and subjects done, is also a great way to build confidence at seeing how much has been done, and also of mapping the spread of subjects being covered – we often start with the one we are best at or like the most and leave the trickiest one till last.

Click here to download or you can download the subjects relevant for you by clicking on the red bar at the bottom of this page called 'Year 11 Preparing for your GCSE exams booklet'.

Revision Sessions Available

Drop in revision sessions, masterclasses and intervention sessions

No need to book for drop in sessions and masterclasses, please come along.

Y11 interventions

Saturday Revision Sessions

Saturday revision sessions are an opportunity for students to undertake independent silent study in G2 in the Sixth Form.

These sessions will be open to students in Year 11.  Complimentary hot drinks will be available for students.  They do not need to wear uniform, we do ask that they bring their own revision material and ask that they do not use their mobile phone or wear earphones.  These sessions are designed to allow them to focus on their own independent revision, free from distractions.  These sessions are offered free of charge but should be booked as places are limited.  

Sessions will be running on the following dates:

  • Saturdays 1, 8, 15, 22 and 29 March - 10am to 1pm
  • Saturday 26 April - 10am to 1pm
  • Saturday 3 May - 10am to 1pm
  • Saturday 10 May - this session will be dedicated to English Language and Literature.  More information will be shared closer to the time.

Places for these independent silent study sessions can be booked via Arbor within the Clubs section from Monday 10 February.

Easter Revision 2025

These sessions can be booked via Arbor, within the Trips section from 9am Monday 10 February.  Places offered on a first come first served basis.

Y11 ER timetable image

Mock Exams and Summer Exams

Mock Exams - w/c 24 February and 3 March

Y11 mocks

Summer Exams

The summer GCSE exam timetable can be accessed here.

Dates for your diary

Date Event Time

w/c 24 February & w/c 3 March

Second mock exams

see above for the timetable

Tuesday 25 February

Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde theatre trip

Return to HGS c4pm

Saturday 1 March

Saturday Revision session 1 - book here

10am to noon

Saturday 8 March

Saturday Revision session 2 - book here

10am to noon

Monday 11 & Tuesday 12 March

Year 11 Geography Fieldwork

Click here for more information

Saturday 15 March

Saturday Revision session 3 - book here

10am to noon

Wednesday 19 March

GCSE History trip to Thackeray museum

Click here for more information

Saturday 22 March

Saturday Revision session 4 - book here

10am to noon

Monday 24 & Tuesday 25 March

GCSE Drama exams GCSE Presenting and Performing Tests exam. Allocated times will be shared with students via their Arbor calendar nearer the assessment date. 

w/c 24 March

French Exchange (home leg)  
Wednesday 26 March Animal Farm Theatre Trip to Leeds  
Saturday 29 March Saturday Revision session 5 - book here 10am to noon
w/c 7 April & w/c 14 April Easter Revision sessions see below for more information
Tuesday 22 April Start of Summer Term 1  School opens 8.40am
Saturday 26 April Saturday revision session 5 - book here 10am to noon
Saturday 3 May Saturday revision session 6 - book here 10am to noon
Wednesday 7 May

Leavers Assembly for students

Study Period commences

Friday 9 May

Deadline to pay for Year 11 Prom tickets via Arbor, Trips section

Friday 20 June

Year 11 Prom

 6.30pm to 10.30pm, Old Swan Hotel
Wednesday 25 June

Exam Contingency Day

All students must remain available until this date in case an awarding body needs to invoke its contingency plan.
Thursday 22 August GCSE results day Results available to collect from the Forum at 9am, click here for more information


Year 11 Preparing for your GCSE exams booklet

Front cover image

The booklet contains an overview of summer exam dates, some revision top tips from Miss Smith and blank revision timetable templates that you can use to manage your time over the coming weeks.  Alongside this each faculty have created a bank of must do, should do and could do activities to help you plan your revision from now until the start of your exams.  This is a week-by-week suggestion of how to structure your revision, as we know sometimes the hardest thing is knowing where to start! Most of the must do tasks are homework tasks, but as these are generally revision and recall tasks at this point, this very much counts.

Students can tick off tasks as they do them and also annotate a RAG status for each week so you know which topics might need a revisit. Printing off the revision timetable and completing it each week with sessions and subjects done, is also a great way to build confidence at seeing how much has been done, and also of mapping the spread of subjects being covered – we often start with the one we are best at or like the most and leave the trickiest one till last. There are Saturday study sessions beginning at school from Saturday 1 March, 10am to 1pm, this is ideal to bring with you to guide you towards the right tasks to focus on.

We hope you find this booklet helpful to guide your revision and that it will help others to support you at home as well as at school.

You can either download the full booklet by clicking on the image above or select the pages you would like to download from the grid below.

Art Business Computer Science DT
Drama English Food  French
Geography German History Maths
Music PE Photography RS







Revision Tips  

Revision Timetables:

Term Time Template

Study Period Revision Template


Harrogate Grammar School is part of Red Kite Learning Trust, a charitable company limited by guarantee registered in England and Wales with company number 7523507, registered office address: Red Kite Office, Pannal Ash Road, Harrogate, HG2 9PH

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