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Red Kite Learning Trust
Harrogate Grammar School (66)

Our school

Year 6 to Year 7 Transition

We really look forward to welcoming your child to HGS in September, and starting a successful partnership with you, your child and our school.

Our aim is for all our students to enjoy the next chapter in their education. At HGS, we focus on helping each student to become the best they can be by providing a positive, inclusive environment in which young people can find and develop their strengths.  We are proud of the progress students make with us.

This page holds information relevant to students who have been allocated a place in Year 7 at HGS for September 2025.

Key Dates



Saturday 15 March

Confirm your acceptance of your HGS place

Please see email sent to parents on 4 March 2025 which included the Parent Transition Information pack


Primary visits by our pastoral team

Tuesday 8 July

Wednesday 9 July

Thursday 10 July

Transition days at HGS (students to attend all 3 days)

start time: 8.50am (doors open at 8.40am)   finish time: 3pm

Thursday 10 July

Parent Information Evening

start time: 6.30pm, Main Hall

Our PTA will be hosting a second hand uniform sale during this evening

Tuesday 26 August

Wednesday 27 August

Thursday 28 August

Summer School (3 days)                  start time: 9am       finish time: 1.45pm

Wednesday 3 September

First day at school

registration: 8.50am (arrive to school by 8.40am)

end time: 2.40pm (Wednesday)   3.30pm (Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday)

Image 2 girsl in garden

Image sports day

Image boy in science

Key Information

Key messages and communications can be found below.


Parent Communications

Parent Welcome Pack (emailed 4 March 2025)

iPads for Learning Pack (to follow in late May/early June)

Parent e-handbook (to follow in June)

Student Communications

Student Welcome e-Card (to follow late March)

Student Welcome Video (to follow in April)

Resources from the NHS

The resources in the link below have been created by the NHS to support parents of children who are moving up to a new school from a primary setting.

NHS - Raising Emotional Health

Encore! Music Tuition

This is our instrumental and vocal music teaching provision. It has been especially designed to provide an easy transition for all students to continue with, or to start instrumental and/or vocal lessons when moving from primary school. Further information can be found on the Encore pages.

We encourage you to enrol promptly for lessons to ensure you are offered the instrument and teacher of your choice. Please complete the form via the link below to register your expression of interest:

Encore expression of interest

iPads for Learning

More information to follow in late May/early June 2025

Y6 image


We will share more information with you during the Summer Term regarding uniform.  If you would like to know more about our uniform policy this can be accessed via the link below.

Uniform Policy

School Ties

Recently we introduced two new tie designs so students wear the same design from Year 7 to 11.  For Year 7 students starting at HGS in September 2025, the school tie design is displayed below.

Year 7 tie

Uniform Suppliers

There are two suppliers of Harrogate Grammar School uniform in Harrogate – Rawcliffes and Emblazon

Our PTA hold regular second hand uniform sales.  Further details can be found on their Facebook page.

Next sale dates:

Saturday 20 April - 10am to midday (Main car park and hub)

Thursday 10 July - after the Parent Information Evening

Harrogate Grammar School is part of Red Kite Learning Trust, a charitable company limited by guarantee registered in England and Wales with company number 7523507, registered office address: Red Kite Office, Pannal Ash Road, Harrogate, HG2 9PH