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Red Kite Learning Trust
Harrogate Grammar School (6)


Clubs & Activities

We have a range of clubs and activities that take place during the lunch break and after school.  Students are encouraged to attend at least one extra-curricular club every half term, and can join at any time in the term.

Details of our extra-curricular clubs and activities can be found on the links below.  The timetable includes details of the club name, the days the club will take place and the start/end times.

Autumn Term clubs will commence from Monday 9 September.  PE/Sports after school clubs will not take place during w/c 16 December.

Spring 1 clubs will commence from Monday 6 January 2025.  

As new clubs and activities are confirmed these will be added to the timetable and shared in the weekly student newsletter.

How can I book a place for my child?

All extra-curricular clubs can be booked via the Parent Arbor app within the Clubs section.  Click here for instructions on how to access the Clubs section within Arbor.

Once a place has been booked, your child should arrive at the start of the activity and report to the member of staff supervising the session.  Remember they will need PE kit to attend the PE extra-curricular activities.

Extra Curricular Clubs and Activities Timetable

Please click on the link below to download the whole school timetable for 2024/2025.  This details all the clubs and activities available.

2024-2025 Timetable

PE Extra Curricular Timetable click this link:  PE Spring Term Timetable

Music Extra Curricular Timetable click this link: Music Extra Curricular 2024-2025

Enrichment Programme

front cover 2024 2025

Please click on the link below to download the enrichment programme for 2024/2025. 

Enrichment Programme

PE and Sport Termly Newsletter

Every term the PE and Sport newsletter will be available to read in this section.

Harrogate Grammar School (2)

Autumn Term 2024 – PE Newsletter


It has been another action-packed term of sport at HGS, with over 600 students from Years 7–11 participating in sports clubs each week. In just 15 weeks, we have played 166 fixtures across six different sports: rugby, football, netball, hockey, tennis and cross-country. 

Highlights include the U16 girls’ netball team, who triumphed in the regional netball tournament and who have now qualified for the Yorkshire finals.  This is set to take place at the English Institute of Sport after Christmas.

Additionally, the U14 boys’ rugby team has excelled, advancing to Round 4 of the National Cup after facing several strong opposition schools.

Well, done to all students involved, and good luck to those competing in the next stages!

Spring sports timetable

In the spring term, we are pleased to be able to introduce boys hockey for years 7,8 and 9. We have planned boys' hockey fixtures for the Spring term. Football fixtures will continue for all boys' year groups alongside hockey and rugby throughout the Spring term. 

We look forward to seeing students engage in both familiar and new sports in the coming months. 

PE Spring Term Timetable

Voluntary contribution  

We would like to extend our thanks to the parents who have already made the £30 voluntary contribution for this year. Unfortunately, the total amount raised so far is lower than in previous years. This funding is crucial for supporting the wide range of sports and fixtures we offer. 

The contributions help cover essential costs such as transport, referees, officials, tournament entry fees, and the purchase of new equipment and kit. Additionally, some external coaches are funded through these contributions, helping to complement the activities and teams already run by HGS staff. 

If you have not yet contributed, or if you would like to contribute more to support the PE department, please use Arbor to make your payment.  

Thank you for your continued support.

Harrogate Grammar School is part of Red Kite Learning Trust, a charitable company limited by guarantee registered in England and Wales with company number 7523507, registered office address: Red Kite Office, Pannal Ash Road, Harrogate, HG2 9PH

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