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Red Kite Learning Trust
Harrogate Grammar Sixth Form building - Nov 23

The Sixth Form


three students acting - Nov 23

If you decide that you are interested in joining the Sixth Form at Harrogate Grammar School, your first step should be to visit our open event and view our online resources to learn about the wide range of courses on offer.

To apply please complete the online application. Once submitted we will then arrange a coursing discussion. It is important to note that a personal statement is required and, for applicants new to the school, a copy of your latest progress report. When you submit your online application you will receive a confirmation email and a follow up invitation will be sent to meet with our Sixth Form Team at a later date. 


Rossett and HGS Sixth Form Admissions Consultation 2026-27

Rossett School and The Sixth Form at Harrogate Grammar School work in partnership within the Red Kite Learning Trust family of academies. By working together, the partnership offers a greater breadth of provision. This means that students on roll at either school in Years 12-13 may benefit from teaching excellence and the best of the facilities across both sites. Some courses may therefore be delivered at Rossett School, whilst others may be based at Harrogate Grammar School. External applicants to the Sixth Form at either school will equally benefit from the partnership provision. The partnership is an exciting opportunity for a deep collaboration between our schools that enriches post 16 provision for all students.

Consultation Summary

Consultation Letter from our Trust CEO

The Sixth Form at HGS Draft Admissions Policy

Sixth form eleanor b

Harrogate Grammar School is part of Red Kite Learning Trust, a charitable company limited by guarantee registered in England and Wales with company number 7523507, registered office address: Red Kite Office, Pannal Ash Road, Harrogate, HG2 9PH