Our ethos
Our core purpose
Our core purpose is to provide ‘excellence for all’ and we achieve this through the five REACH values that we embody, role model and teach: respect, excellence, adventure, commitment, and honesty. In practical terms, our school has three pillars of focus: a culture of respectful relationships, an aspirational and inclusive curriculum, and expert teaching. As a result of our work within these three pillars and our focus on values, we achieve our academic outcomes along with broader skills and qualities in our students. We see kind, healthy, ambitious, knowledgeable, curious, enterprising, resilient, productive, responsible, and reflective young people as they move on from our school community.
Our values
Our expectations
- Work hard to achieve your potential.
- Come to school every day, on time and properly equipped for learning.
- Follow the school rules.
- Have respect for other students, staff and visitors.
- Participate in the wider life of the school.
- Contribute to the school and community through service.
- Wear uniform proudly and correctly at all times.
- Stay safe and ensure others are kept safe.
- Support learning at home.
- Support the school rules.
- Ensure students come to school every day, on time, ready for learning.
- Approach the school early with problems and work with staff to resolve them.
- Support the school through participation in school events and attendance at Parents Evenings.
- Support good communication between home and school.
- Support the delivery of high quality teaching and learning that meets the needs of all learners.
- Have a positive attitude to working with young people and their families.
- Be reflective and seek to improve and learn.
- Make a contribution to improving the school as a whole.
- Model high standards in terms of behaviour and appearance.
- Use the planner properly to support good communication between home and school.
- Ensure school rules are enforced consistently.
- Provide learning experiences that inspire and excite all students to achieve their full potential.
- Have high expectations of all students in terms of academic success and behaviour.
- Use new technologies and ideas to support learning effectively.
- Use assessment to inform learning and raise achievement.
- Be reflective and seek to improve and learn.