Positive Achievement
From the start of this academic year, we will be using Arbor, our new Management Information System, as part of the Positive Achievement system.
Staff have already been using Arbor to take registers and set home learning. This year students are now using it to access their timetable and view home learning.
As we moved from Class Charts to Arbor we took the opportunity to align the Positive Achievement system with the work we have done on ‘Making learning stick’ and the ‘7 Principles of Teaching and Learning’.
The focus of the Positive Achievement system going forward is to reinforce, recognise and reward habits which make an excellent learner. These habits are:
Therefore, we have made some changes to our practice.
Reward and Recognition
- At the start of every lesson each student will be awarded 1 positive point for ‘Excellent Learner Habits’. This is to remind and reinforce with all students the habits we have identified as being key to success. We hope that this positive start to each lesson, the language being used, and the reward attached to it will motivate students and help them to build these important habits.
- If a student is unable to demonstrate a particular habit, despite the reinforcement, scaffolding and support that will be provided, the teacher will provide them with real time feedback. To denote that this feedback has been given, a teacher will amend the ‘Excellent Learner Habit’ to show a ‘Change Needed’. The ‘Change Needed’ will be linked to one of the habits above for example, CN1 – Arrive on time with the correct equipment. Each lesson will be a fresh start, and this gives a student the opportunity to show that they have acted on the feedback, made the change needed so the teacher can then award an ‘Excellent Leaner Habit.’
- Students will also be awarded positive points for demonstrating behaviour linked to our REACH Values, for example, you were adventurous. These can be given in or out of a lesson.
Over the course of the half term the points given by a teacher will help to inform the Attitude to Learning grade that they award.
Choice and consequence
We continue to have a consequence system for any behaviour which is not acceptable in our school. These behaviours will result in a ‘Behaviour Incident’ being logged in Arbor for both the student and parent to see. It will clearly explain why the incident has been recorded and should act as a warning to not repeat this behaviour in future. Further ‘Behaviour Incidents’ may result in more serious consequences, such as after school detention or the use of reintegration.
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By using the Positive Achievement (PA) system in this way means we can fairly and consistently recognise and reward positive behaviours which reflect our values, as well as reinforce excellent habits for learning. It also provides timely and specific feedback to students on the areas they can improve and give appropriate consequence when our expectations are not met. Parental access to Arbor will enable you to view your child’s information. If you require further information about the Positive Achievement system this can be found in our ‘Respectful Relationships and Behaviour Policy.’