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Red Kite Learning Trust

Our school

Teaching staff

Forename Surname Job Title(s) Teaching Subjects 
Helen Allan Higher Level Teaching Assistant HGS Learning Support Faculty
Stephen Allen Teacher of Art & Photography HGS Art, Design and IT Faculty
Alice Allsopp Teacher HGS Mathematics Faculty
Rachel Badley Teacher of Geography HGS Humanities Faculty
Joe Baird Teacher of History HGS Humanities Faculty
Francesca Bakes Teacher of Girls PE HGS PE and Sport Faculty
Alex Banks Teaching and Learning Assistant HGS Learning Support Faculty
Anna Banks Teaching and Learning Assistant HGS Learning Support Faculty
Andrea Barker Teacher HGS Humanities Faculty
Richard Barnard Teacher - Chinese HGS Languages Faculty
Sarah Bell Assistant SENCO HGS Learning Support Faculty
Thomas Bellamy Head Of Psychology HGS Social Sciences Faculty
Alexander Bennett Faculty Leader - Performing Arts HGS Performing Arts Faculty
Aimee Berriman Programme Leader - MFL - Head of German HGS Languages Faculty
Rachel Boyd Teaching and Learning Assistant HGS Learning Support Faculty
Eleanor Brodie Teacher HGS Humanities Faculty
Thomas Brown Teacher of Maths HGS Mathematics Faculty
Felicity Burgess Teaching and Learning Assistant HGS Learning Support Faculty
Philippa Butler Programme Leader - MFL, Head of Spanish HGS Languages Faculty
Kelsey Byles Teacher of Biology HGS Science Faculty
Ann Cage Teaching and Learning Assistant HGS Learning Support Faculty
Sara Caggiano Teaching and Learning Assistant HGS Learning Support Faculty
Leo Carne Teacher of Maths
Assistant Maths Hub Lead Secondary
HGS Mathematics Faculty
Nicola Carter Teacher HGS Science Faculty
Laura Chesworth Programme Leader - History HGS Humanities Faculty
Priscilla Ching Teaching and Learning Assistant HGS Learning Support Faculty
Joshua Clarke Teacher of Religious Studies HGS Humanities Faculty
Libby Clarke Teacher of Sociology HGS Humanities Faculty
Emily Crawshaw Teacher of Geography
Programme Leader Geography
HGS Humanities Faculty
Sam Crawshaw Teacher HGS PE and Sport Faculty
Margaret Crown Teacher of Mathematics HGS Mathematics Faculty
Julie Curran Teacher HGS Science Faculty
Anna Dawson Teacher of PE HGS PE and Sport
Francesca Dawson Teacher of English HGS English Faculty
Rebecca Day Teacher of Art Graphics Food & Nutrition HGS Art, Design and IT Faculty
Holly  Daykin Teacher of English HGS English Faculty
Nicola Devey Teacher HGS Humanities Faculty
Victoria Dinsdale Teacher of Humanities HGS Humanities Faculty
Paul Donlon Teacher of Computing
Computing Hub Lead
HGS Mathematics Faculty
Charlotte Dunne Assistant Headteacher HGS English Faculty
Judith Soloway Teacher of Chemistry HGS Science Faculty
Elizabeth Edwards Teacher of English HGS English Faculty
William Ellis Teacher of Mathematics HGS Mathematics Faculty
Nicola Fareham Assistant Headteacher Maths Hub Head HGS Senior Leadership Team
Elizabeth Feneck Programme Leader - Sociology HGS Humanities Faculty
Victoria Gee Assist Headteacher Director of KS3 HGS Humanities Faculty
Keanu Gee Teacher of English HGS English Faculty
Kathryn Gibson Teacher of English HGS English Faculty
Lucy Hamm Teacher of Geography HGS Humanities Faculty
Andrew Hartley Teacher of Physics HGS Science Faculty
Jessica Hellard Teacher of English HGS English Faculty
Jason Hill Assistant Headteacher HGS Senior Leadership Team
Jane Hinkins Teacher - Personal Development Coord. HGS Careers and Personal Development
Kate Hooper Associate Assistant Headteacher HGS Humanities Faculty
Thomas Inglis SEND Team Leader HGS Learning Support Faculty
Roo Ivatts Teacher of Drama HGS Performing Arts Faculty
David Jaciuch Teacher of Science HGS Science Faculty
Suzanne Jackson Teacher of Modern Languages HGS Languages Faculty
Carly Jackson Assistant Director of Sixth Form HGS Careers and Personal Development
Megan James Teacher of English HGS English Faculty
Nicola Johnston Teacher HGS Art, Design and IT Faculty
Paula Kelly Assistant Maths Hub Lead Secondary HGS Mathematics Faculty
Jake Kempton Teacher (Coord. of Outdoor Learning) HGS Humanities Faculty
Michelle Kern Teacher HGS Science Faculty
Lorna Kirkman Teacher of MFL HGS Languages Faculty
Katharine Kirkpatrick Teacher of English HGS English Faculty
Alison Laidler Teacher HGS Humanities Faculty
Eleanor Levine Teacher of MFL HGS Languages Faculty
Steven Light Teacher of Business HGS Social Sciences Faculty
Charlotte Lythe Teacher of English
Programme Leader
HGS English Faculty
Nik Mason Assist. Headteacher - Director of KS4 HGS Senior Leadership Team
Andrew Matthews

Teacher of Music and Programme Leader

HGS Performing Arts Faculty
Lauren Mynard Teacher of Design HGS Art, Design and IT Faculty
Christopher McDonald Programme Leader - PE and Sport HGS PE and Sport Faculty
Andrew McIntyre Teacher of PE & Sport HGS PE and Sport Faculty
Rebecca Meenagh Teacher of English HGS English Faculty
Kirstie Moat Associate Headteacher HGS Senior Leadership Team
Karl Moat Teacher of English HGS English Faculty
Sarah Moncaster Teacher HGS Sixth Form
Christopher Mooney Programme Leader - Mathematics HGS Mathematics Faculty
Kevin Moore Teacher HGS Art, Design and IT Faculty
Laura Moore Teacher of Physics HGS Science Faculty
Susannah Morris Learning Mentor HGS Learning Support
Laura Morrison Teacher of Mathematics HGS Mathematics Faculty
Naushad Munraknah Teacher of French HGS Languages Faculty
Anne Murgatroyd Teacher of Science (Chemistry) HGS Science Faculty
William Nash Teacher of Psychology HGS Social Sciences Faculty
Ian Needham Teacher and Computing Hub Secondary Lead HGS Art, Design and IT Faculty
Lucy Nicholson Teacher of English HGS English Faculty
Stacey Nicholson Programme Leader HGS Humanities Faculty
Lesley Normand Teacher of MFL HGS Languages Faculty
David Normanshire Teacher of Biology HGS Science Faculty
Jennifer Nunn Teacher HGS Learning Support Faculty
Jade O'Donovan Teacher of Art & Design HGS Art, Design and IT Faculty
Joanne Oates Faculty Leader of Art, Design and IT HGS Art, Design and IT Faculty
Cameron Osburn Teaching & Learning Asst. (Learn. Sup.) HGS Learning Support Faculty
Abigail Owusu Gyasewaa Teacher of Spanish HGS Languages Faculty
Lizzie Palfreman Assistant SENCO HGS Learning Support Faculty
Merwede Panagakou Teacher HGS Humanities Faculty
Eleanor Parker Teacher of Chemistry HGS Science Faculty
Trish Parkin Teacher of Economics HGS Social Sciences Faculty
David Parslow Programme Leader - Physics HGS Science Faculty
Rory Rush-Patterson Teacher of Physics HGS Science Faculty
Grace Pemberton Teacher HGS Languages Faculty
Kate Perfect Teacher of Biology HGS Science Faculty
Emma Pipe Teacher of Spanish and French HGS Languages Faculty
Rosalind Potts Teaching and Learning Assistant HGS Learning Support Faculty
Elena Putley Teacher HGS Art, Design and IT Faculty
Eoin Reid Teacher of Mathematics HGS Mathematics Faculty
Neil Renton Headteacher HGS Senior Leadership Team
Gillian Reynolds Teaching and Learning Assistant HGS Learning Support Faculty
Emily Roberts Teacher HGS Social Sciences Faculty
Hannah Russell Assistant Director of Sixth Form  HGS Humanities Faculty
Thomas Ryder Director of Sport HGS PE and Sport Faculty
Julia Sanders Teacher HGS Science Faculty
Holly Shaw Teaching and Learning Assistant HGS Learning Support Faculty
Lee Shellard Teacher HGS Science Faculty
Jillian Skidmore Assistant Programme Leader - PE & Sport HGS PE and Sport Faculty
Alison Smith Assistant Headteacher HGS Senior Leadership Team
Kristin Smith Deputy Headteacher HGS Senior Leadership Team
Megan Softley Teacher of PE HGS PE and Sport Faculty
Rebecca Stafford Programme Leader - Science HGS Science Faculty
Blair Stent Teacher of Computing & Digital Media HGS Art, Design and IT Faculty
Adrian Stipetic Associate Assistant Headteacher HGS Languages Faculty
Mark Stockton-Pitt Programme Leader - Maths HGS Mathematics Faculty
Richard Sykes Faculty Leader Science HGS Science Faculty
Phillip  Tedd Teacher of Music HGS Performing Arts Faculty
Amanda Tetlow Teaching and  Learning Assistant HGS Learning Support Faculty
Louis Thompson Teacher of Business & Economics HGS Social Sciences Faculty
Emily Tinkler Programme Leader French HGS Languages Faculty
Nicola Tod Teacher HGS Social Sciences Faculty
Daniel Toms Computing Hub & Subject Leader HGS Art, Design and IT Faculty
Anna Townsend Teaching & Learning Asst. (Learn. Sup.) HGS Learning Support Faculty
Ben Twitchin Director of Sixth Form HGS Senior Leadership Team
Karen Twitchin Teacher HGS Performing Arts Faculty
Zoe Vesta  Teacher HGS Mathematics Faculty
Lucy Vincent Instructional Coach HGS Performing Arts Faculty
Lisa Warburton Programme Leader of IT/Media HGS Mathematics Faculty
Amy Ward Faculty Leader Business and Economics HGS Social Sciences Faculty
Janis Watson Teacher of Religious Studies HGS Humanities Faculty
Melissa Watson Assistant Programme Leader English HGS English Faculty
Jack Western Teacher of Physics HGS Science Faculty
Lesley Weston Teacher HGS Humanities Faculty
Kenneth Weston Teacher HGS Mathematics Faculty
Claire White SEND Inclusion Co-ordinator HGS Learning Support Faculty
Jade Williams Programme Leader - Food & Nutrition HGS Art, Design and IT Faculty
Thomas Williams Assistant Faculty Leader HGS Art, Design and IT Faculty
Meghan Williamson Teacher of Mathematics HGS Mathematics Faculty
Martin Wilson Programme Leader - Mathematics HGS Mathematics Faculty
Julie Winters Teacher HGS Science Faculty
Lucy Woodcock SEND Team Leader HGS Learning Support Faculty
Alice Yates Learning Mentor Sixth Form HGS Learning Support Faculty
Elizabeth Zoccolan Assistant Headteacher HGS Senior Leadership Team

Harrogate Grammar School is part of Red Kite Learning Trust, a charitable company limited by guarantee registered in England and Wales with company number 7523507, registered office address: Red Kite Office, Pannal Ash Road, Harrogate, HG2 9PH

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