- Our school
- Welcome from the Headteacher
- Admissions
- Ethos, Values and Expectations
- Governance
- Staff
- Policies
- Results and destinations
- Ofsted
- Reading at HGS
- Safeguarding
- Equalities and accessibility
- Diversity and Reach Out
- Wellbeing and Mental Health
- Facilities and venue hire at HGS
- Prospectus
- History of HGS
- Celebration of Achievement
- Computing Hub
- Eco-Schools
- iPads for Learning
- Maths Hub
- Our services
- Vacancies
- Red Kite Learning Trust
- Teacher Training
Teaching staff
Forename | Surname | Job Title(s) | Teaching Subjects |
Helen | Allan | Higher Level Teaching Assistant | HGS Learning Support Faculty |
Stephen | Allen | Teacher of Art & Photography | HGS Art, Design and IT Faculty |
Alice | Allsopp | Teacher | HGS Mathematics Faculty |
Rachel | Badley | Teacher of Geography | HGS Humanities Faculty |
Joe | Baird | Teacher of History | HGS Humanities Faculty |
Francesca | Bakes | Teacher of Girls PE | HGS PE and Sport Faculty |
Alex | Banks | Teaching and Learning Assistant | HGS Learning Support Faculty |
Anna | Banks | Teaching and Learning Assistant | HGS Learning Support Faculty |
Andrea | Barker | Teacher | HGS Humanities Faculty |
Richard | Barnard | Teacher - Chinese | HGS Languages Faculty |
Sarah | Bell | Assistant SENCO | HGS Learning Support Faculty |
Thomas | Bellamy | Head Of Psychology | HGS Social Sciences Faculty |
Alexander | Bennett | Faculty Leader - Performing Arts | HGS Performing Arts Faculty |
Aimee | Berriman | Programme Leader - MFL - Head of German | HGS Languages Faculty |
Rachel | Boyd | Teaching and Learning Assistant | HGS Learning Support Faculty |
Eleanor | Brodie | Teacher | HGS Humanities Faculty |
Thomas | Brown | Teacher of Maths | HGS Mathematics Faculty |
Felicity | Burgess | Teaching and Learning Assistant | HGS Learning Support Faculty |
Philippa | Butler | Programme Leader - MFL, Head of Spanish | HGS Languages Faculty |
Kelsey | Byles | Teacher of Biology | HGS Science Faculty |
Ann | Cage | Teaching and Learning Assistant | HGS Learning Support Faculty |
Sara | Caggiano | Teaching and Learning Assistant | HGS Learning Support Faculty |
Leo | Carne | Teacher of Maths Assistant Maths Hub Lead Secondary |
HGS Mathematics Faculty |
Nicola | Carter | Teacher | HGS Science Faculty |
Laura | Chesworth | Programme Leader - History | HGS Humanities Faculty |
Priscilla | Ching | Teaching and Learning Assistant | HGS Learning Support Faculty |
Joshua | Clarke | Teacher of Religious Studies | HGS Humanities Faculty |
Libby | Clarke | Teacher of Sociology | HGS Humanities Faculty |
Emily | Crawshaw | Teacher of Geography Programme Leader Geography |
HGS Humanities Faculty |
Sam | Crawshaw | Teacher | HGS PE and Sport Faculty |
Margaret | Crown | Teacher of Mathematics | HGS Mathematics Faculty |
Julie | Curran | Teacher | HGS Science Faculty |
Anna | Dawson | Teacher of PE | HGS PE and Sport |
Francesca | Dawson | Teacher of English | HGS English Faculty |
Rebecca | Day | Teacher of Art Graphics Food & Nutrition | HGS Art, Design and IT Faculty |
Holly | Daykin | Teacher of English | HGS English Faculty |
Nicola | Devey | Teacher | HGS Humanities Faculty |
Victoria | Dinsdale | Teacher of Humanities | HGS Humanities Faculty |
Paul | Donlon | Teacher of Computing Computing Hub Lead |
HGS Mathematics Faculty |
Charlotte | Dunne | Assistant Headteacher | HGS English Faculty |
Judith | Soloway | Teacher of Chemistry | HGS Science Faculty |
Elizabeth | Edwards | Teacher of English | HGS English Faculty |
William | Ellis | Teacher of Mathematics | HGS Mathematics Faculty |
Nicola | Fareham | Assistant Headteacher Maths Hub Head | HGS Senior Leadership Team |
Elizabeth | Feneck | Programme Leader - Sociology | HGS Humanities Faculty |
Victoria | Gee | Assist Headteacher Director of KS3 | HGS Humanities Faculty |
Keanu | Gee | Teacher of English | HGS English Faculty |
Kathryn | Gibson | Teacher of English | HGS English Faculty |
Lucy | Hamm | Teacher of Geography | HGS Humanities Faculty |
Andrew | Hartley | Teacher of Physics | HGS Science Faculty |
Jessica | Hellard | Teacher of English | HGS English Faculty |
Jason | Hill | Assistant Headteacher | HGS Senior Leadership Team |
Jane | Hinkins | Teacher - Personal Development Coord. | HGS Careers and Personal Development |
Kate | Hooper | Associate Assistant Headteacher | HGS Humanities Faculty |
Thomas | Inglis | SEND Team Leader | HGS Learning Support Faculty |
Roo | Ivatts | Teacher of Drama | HGS Performing Arts Faculty |
David | Jaciuch | Teacher of Science | HGS Science Faculty |
Suzanne | Jackson | Teacher of Modern Languages | HGS Languages Faculty |
Carly | Jackson | Assistant Director of Sixth Form | HGS Careers and Personal Development |
Megan | James | Teacher of English | HGS English Faculty |
Nicola | Johnston | Teacher | HGS Art, Design and IT Faculty |
Paula | Kelly | Assistant Maths Hub Lead Secondary | HGS Mathematics Faculty |
Jake | Kempton | Teacher (Coord. of Outdoor Learning) | HGS Humanities Faculty |
Michelle | Kern | Teacher | HGS Science Faculty |
Lorna | Kirkman | Teacher of MFL | HGS Languages Faculty |
Katharine | Kirkpatrick | Teacher of English | HGS English Faculty |
Alison | Laidler | Teacher | HGS Humanities Faculty |
Eleanor | Levine | Teacher of MFL | HGS Languages Faculty |
Steven | Light | Teacher of Business | HGS Social Sciences Faculty |
Charlotte | Lythe | Teacher of English Programme Leader |
HGS English Faculty |
Nik | Mason | Assist. Headteacher - Director of KS4 | HGS Senior Leadership Team |
Andrew | Matthews |
Teacher of Music and Programme Leader |
HGS Performing Arts Faculty |
Lauren | Mynard | Teacher of Design | HGS Art, Design and IT Faculty |
Christopher | McDonald | Programme Leader - PE and Sport | HGS PE and Sport Faculty |
Andrew | McIntyre | Teacher of PE & Sport | HGS PE and Sport Faculty |
Rebecca | Meenagh | Teacher of English | HGS English Faculty |
Kirstie | Moat | Associate Headteacher | HGS Senior Leadership Team |
Karl | Moat | Teacher of English | HGS English Faculty |
Sarah | Moncaster | Teacher | HGS Sixth Form |
Christopher | Mooney | Programme Leader - Mathematics | HGS Mathematics Faculty |
Kevin | Moore | Teacher | HGS Art, Design and IT Faculty |
Laura | Moore | Teacher of Physics | HGS Science Faculty |
Susannah | Morris | Learning Mentor | HGS Learning Support |
Laura | Morrison | Teacher of Mathematics | HGS Mathematics Faculty |
Naushad | Munraknah | Teacher of French | HGS Languages Faculty |
Anne | Murgatroyd | Teacher of Science (Chemistry) | HGS Science Faculty |
William | Nash | Teacher of Psychology | HGS Social Sciences Faculty |
Ian | Needham | Teacher and Computing Hub Secondary Lead | HGS Art, Design and IT Faculty |
Lucy | Nicholson | Teacher of English | HGS English Faculty |
Stacey | Nicholson | Programme Leader | HGS Humanities Faculty |
Lesley | Normand | Teacher of MFL | HGS Languages Faculty |
David | Normanshire | Teacher of Biology | HGS Science Faculty |
Jennifer | Nunn | Teacher | HGS Learning Support Faculty |
Jade | O'Donovan | Teacher of Art & Design | HGS Art, Design and IT Faculty |
Joanne | Oates | Faculty Leader of Art, Design and IT | HGS Art, Design and IT Faculty |
Cameron | Osburn | Teaching & Learning Asst. (Learn. Sup.) | HGS Learning Support Faculty |
Abigail | Owusu Gyasewaa | Teacher of Spanish | HGS Languages Faculty |
Lizzie | Palfreman | Assistant SENCO | HGS Learning Support Faculty |
Merwede | Panagakou | Teacher | HGS Humanities Faculty |
Eleanor | Parker | Teacher of Chemistry | HGS Science Faculty |
Trish | Parkin | Teacher of Economics | HGS Social Sciences Faculty |
David | Parslow | Programme Leader - Physics | HGS Science Faculty |
Rory | Rush-Patterson | Teacher of Physics | HGS Science Faculty |
Grace | Pemberton | Teacher | HGS Languages Faculty |
Kate | Perfect | Teacher of Biology | HGS Science Faculty |
Emma | Pipe | Teacher of Spanish and French | HGS Languages Faculty |
Rosalind | Potts | Teaching and Learning Assistant | HGS Learning Support Faculty |
Elena | Putley | Teacher | HGS Art, Design and IT Faculty |
Eoin | Reid | Teacher of Mathematics | HGS Mathematics Faculty |
Neil | Renton | Headteacher | HGS Senior Leadership Team |
Gillian | Reynolds | Teaching and Learning Assistant | HGS Learning Support Faculty |
Emily | Roberts | Teacher | HGS Social Sciences Faculty |
Hannah | Russell | Assistant Director of Sixth Form | HGS Humanities Faculty |
Thomas | Ryder | Director of Sport | HGS PE and Sport Faculty |
Julia | Sanders | Teacher | HGS Science Faculty |
Holly | Shaw | Teaching and Learning Assistant | HGS Learning Support Faculty |
Lee | Shellard | Teacher | HGS Science Faculty |
Jillian | Skidmore | Assistant Programme Leader - PE & Sport | HGS PE and Sport Faculty |
Alison | Smith | Assistant Headteacher | HGS Senior Leadership Team |
Kristin | Smith | Deputy Headteacher | HGS Senior Leadership Team |
Megan | Softley | Teacher of PE | HGS PE and Sport Faculty |
Rebecca | Stafford | Programme Leader - Science | HGS Science Faculty |
Blair | Stent | Teacher of Computing & Digital Media | HGS Art, Design and IT Faculty |
Adrian | Stipetic | Associate Assistant Headteacher | HGS Languages Faculty |
Mark | Stockton-Pitt | Programme Leader - Maths | HGS Mathematics Faculty |
Richard | Sykes | Faculty Leader Science | HGS Science Faculty |
Phillip | Tedd | Teacher of Music | HGS Performing Arts Faculty |
Amanda | Tetlow | Teaching and Learning Assistant | HGS Learning Support Faculty |
Louis | Thompson | Teacher of Business & Economics | HGS Social Sciences Faculty |
Emily | Tinkler | Programme Leader French | HGS Languages Faculty |
Nicola | Tod | Teacher | HGS Social Sciences Faculty |
Daniel | Toms | Computing Hub & Subject Leader | HGS Art, Design and IT Faculty |
Anna | Townsend | Teaching & Learning Asst. (Learn. Sup.) | HGS Learning Support Faculty |
Ben | Twitchin | Director of Sixth Form | HGS Senior Leadership Team |
Karen | Twitchin | Teacher | HGS Performing Arts Faculty |
Zoe | Vesta | Teacher | HGS Mathematics Faculty |
Lucy | Vincent | Instructional Coach | HGS Performing Arts Faculty |
Lisa | Warburton | Programme Leader of IT/Media | HGS Mathematics Faculty |
Amy | Ward | Faculty Leader Business and Economics | HGS Social Sciences Faculty |
Janis | Watson | Teacher of Religious Studies | HGS Humanities Faculty |
Melissa | Watson | Assistant Programme Leader English | HGS English Faculty |
Jack | Western | Teacher of Physics | HGS Science Faculty |
Lesley | Weston | Teacher | HGS Humanities Faculty |
Kenneth | Weston | Teacher | HGS Mathematics Faculty |
Claire | White | SEND Inclusion Co-ordinator | HGS Learning Support Faculty |
Jade | Williams | Programme Leader - Food & Nutrition | HGS Art, Design and IT Faculty |
Thomas | Williams | Assistant Faculty Leader | HGS Art, Design and IT Faculty |
Meghan | Williamson | Teacher of Mathematics | HGS Mathematics Faculty |
Martin | Wilson | Programme Leader - Mathematics | HGS Mathematics Faculty |
Julie | Winters | Teacher | HGS Science Faculty |
Lucy | Woodcock | SEND Team Leader | HGS Learning Support Faculty |
Alice | Yates | Learning Mentor Sixth Form | HGS Learning Support Faculty |
Elizabeth | Zoccolan | Assistant Headteacher | HGS Senior Leadership Team |
- Our school
- Welcome from the Headteacher
- Admissions
- Ethos, Values and Expectations
- Governance
- Staff
- Policies
- Results and destinations
- Ofsted
- Reading at HGS
- Safeguarding
- Equalities and accessibility
- Diversity and Reach Out
- Wellbeing and Mental Health
- Facilities and venue hire at HGS
- Prospectus
- History of HGS
- Celebration of Achievement
- Computing Hub
- Eco-Schools
- iPads for Learning
- Maths Hub
- Our services
- Vacancies
- Red Kite Learning Trust
- Teacher Training