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New students - Year 7
Year 7 iPad Scheme September 2024:
The school scheme has now officially closed, but we are still taking late entrants to the scheme until Wednesday 31 July.
If your child is joining Year 7 in September and you wish to join the scheme please read all the paperwork carefully before setting up your DD as by signing up to the scheme you are agreeing to its terms and conditions. A scheme iPad will be sourced once the DD and iPad consent form have been received.
Year 6 Covering letter iPads May 2024
Year7 iPads for Learning Agreement June 2024 v4
Please note that It is no longer possible to provide your own iPad for use in main school (Years 7-11)
If you have any questions please email hgsipads@hgs.rklt.co.uk
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- Facilities and venue hire at HGS
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- iPads for Learning
- Maths Hub
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- Red Kite Learning Trust
- Teacher Training