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New students - Sixth Form
Year 12 iPad Programme 2024
We are now welcoming applicants to join our new year 12 iPad scheme that will start this September. Please find a copy of the invitation letter and paperwork below. Please note that we need students to sign up no later than the 13 August 2024 to be guaranteed an iPad for collection at the main collection session on the 2 September 2024.
For any questions, please email hgsipads@hgs.rklt.co.uk
For those wishing to provide their own iPad please visit Harrogate Grammar School - Red Kite Learning Trust - Information for those providing their own iPad and follow the instructions shown on that page. Once the iPad consent form is received the school will arrange for the iPad to be connected to the school’s Wi-Fi. This will allow the student to connect to the wireless printers and access their timetables via their iPad.
For those wishing to apply for a loan iPad please email hgsipads@hgs.rklt.co.uk .
Year 12 IPad Invitation Letter to Parents June 2024
Year 12 iPads for Learning Agreement June 2024
- Our school
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- Ethos, Values and Expectations
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- Reading at HGS
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- Diversity and Reach Out
- Wellbeing and Mental Health
- Facilities and venue hire at HGS
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- History of HGS
- Celebration of Achievement
- Computing Hub
- Eco-Schools
- iPads for Learning
- Maths Hub
- Our services
- Vacancies
- Red Kite Learning Trust
- Teacher Training