- Our school
- Welcome from the Headteacher
- Admissions
- Ethos, Values and Expectations
- Governance
- Staff
- Policies
- Results and destinations
- Ofsted
- Reading at HGS
- Safeguarding
- Equalities and accessibility
- Diversity and Reach Out
- Wellbeing and Mental Health
- Facilities and venue hire at HGS
- Prospectus
- History of HGS
- Celebration of Achievement
- Computing Hub
- Eco-Schools
- iPads for Learning
- Maths Hub
- Our services
- Vacancies
- Red Kite Learning Trust
- Teacher Training
New students - joining Years 8,9,10 and 11
New students in these year groups do not currently have an iPad scheme they can join. All students in Main School are required to use an iPad but cannot provide their own device for use in school. The school offers the use of a loan iPad instead.
Please email hgsipads@hgs.rklt.co.uk for details on the provision of an iPad for your child to use whilst they are here.
Year 10 Students
There is a Year 10 iPad scheme that starts in the March of Year 10. If you child is using a loan iPad they will be invited to opt into the scheme at that point and return their loan iPad to school.
Year 10 Late Joiners and Year 11 Students
There is a Year 12 iPad scheme that starts in the September of Year 12. If you child is using a loan iPad and are moving up to Sixth Form they will be invited to join our Year 12 iPad scheme over the summer holidays.
- Our school
- Welcome from the Headteacher
- Admissions
- Ethos, Values and Expectations
- Governance
- Staff
- Policies
- Results and destinations
- Ofsted
- Reading at HGS
- Safeguarding
- Equalities and accessibility
- Diversity and Reach Out
- Wellbeing and Mental Health
- Facilities and venue hire at HGS
- Prospectus
- History of HGS
- Celebration of Achievement
- Computing Hub
- Eco-Schools
- iPads for Learning
- Maths Hub
- Our services
- Vacancies
- Red Kite Learning Trust
- Teacher Training