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Red Kite Learning Trust


Absence and attendance

Reporting an absence due to illness

As part of our Safeguarding Procedures, if you know your child is going to miss school through illness please notify the School Attendance Officer by 9.30am on each day of absence, using the Studybugs app.

Studybugs Parents Image 1

The Studybugs app is integrated with our MIS system, Arbor, so we will be informed straight away when you report an absence via the app.

The app is free to download and registration only takes a minute to set up.  The app will prompt you to keep us informed about how your child is feeling.

Who should I inform if I am unable to use the Studybugs app?

You can telephone our dedicated Attendance line on 01423 535635 or email

Please include the following information: Your name, your child's full name, their year and form group, reason for absence and a contact number). 

If the absence period is expected to run beyond 3 days, please contact the student’s Year Manager to discuss the likely date of return and any special arrangements we might need to make.

Medical Appointments

We ask that medical appointments are made outside school hours.  Please could parent(s) /carer(s) contact or 01423 535635 to advise of any appointments in advance. If a student is likely to miss registration please call or email on the morning of the appointment.  On their arrival at school the student must sign in at Student Reception.

For any appointments that require the student to leave school during the school day – parent(s) /carer(s) need to contact school as above.
As part of our Safeguarding Procedures we need to be advised of:-

  • the time of the appointment
  • the time they must leave school
  • the arrangements for getting to the appointment

Students must sign out at Student Reception. If they return to school later on the same day then they must sign in again at Student Reception.

Planned absences

Students should not be absent from school unless they are ill or have medical or dental appointments that cannot be arranged at another time. However, requests for Leave of Absence for educational purposes will be authorised, providing sufficient notice and documentation are given.

You must get permission from the Head Teacher if you want to take your child out of school during term time (this must be for no more than five school days).

.You can only do this if:

  • you complete a Planned Absence form at least three weeks in advance
  • there are exceptional circumstances

Any absence from school has a detrimental effect on a child’s education and can therefore impact on their outcomes.

It is up to the Head Teacher how many days your child can be away from school if leave is granted. Please note that holidays are not classed by the Department for Education as a reason to be absent from school.  The Local Authority can be fine you for taking your child on holiday during term time without the School’s permission. If your request is declined, and you still take your child out of school, each parent could receive a warning letter or be issued with an £80 penalty notice for each child you have taken out of school. This penalty notice will rise to £160 if you do not pay within 21 days. If the fine is not paid after 28 days, you may be prosecuted for your child’s absence from school.  From the 2024 to 2025 school year, each parent will only get up to 2 fines for the same child in a 3-year period.  If you get a second fine in 3 years it will be £160. If you do not pay the fine in 28 days, you may be taken to court for keeping your child out of school.  If your child is off school 3 or more times within the 3 years you will not be fined but may be taken to court.  If you are taken to court You could get a fine of up to £2,500, a community order or a jail sentence up to 3 months. The court could also give you a Parenting Order.

Students have 12 weeks holiday each year and family holidays must be arranged during those times. Requests for absence are at the discretion of the Year Manager and Headteacher and should be submitted at least 3 weeks in advance by completing the online planned absence form, a hard copy is available from Main School Reception. Parents should consider that schools can only authorise absences for exceptional circumstances. Financial considerations do not constitute exceptional circumstances and neither do other factors which apply to the majority of other pupils.

In the event of long-term absence through illness, the Year Manager will provide support and can help re-integrate your child on their return.

Sixth Form only

If a student has a genuine reason for absence parents/carers must inform the Sixth Form Attendance Officer between 8.30am –  8.50am by email, or telephone, 01423 531127 ext. 7110 for each day of absence. Any unexplained absence will generate an email home.

Harrogate Grammar School is part of Red Kite Learning Trust, a charitable company limited by guarantee registered in England and Wales with company number 7523507, registered office address: Red Kite Office, Pannal Ash Road, Harrogate, HG2 9PH

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