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Red Kite Learning Trust
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Learning Support faculty

Faculty staff

Faculty Leader and SENDCo

Assistant SENDCo

  • Mrs Lizzie Palfreman

Assistant SENDCo Teaching and Learning

  • Mrs Sarah Bell

Core Plus Teacher
  • Mrs Jenny Nunn

EHCP Co-ordinator
  • Mrs Sally Huby

SEND Inclusion Co-ordinator

  • Mrs Claire White

SEND Team Leader - Years 12 & 13

  • Ms Alice Yates

Teaching & Learning Assistants

  • Mrs Helen Allan
  • Alex Banks
  • Ms Louise Banks
  • Mr Richard Barnard
  • Ms Rachel Boyd
  • Ms Felicity Burgess
  • Ms Sara Caggiano
  • Ms Priscilla Ching
  • Mr Tom Inglis
  • Ms Susannah Morris
  • Ms Ros Potts
  • Mrs Gillian Reynolds
  • Ms Holly Shaw
  • Mrs Amanda Tetlow (HLTA)
  • Miss Anna Townsend
  • Ms Alice Yates

SENDCo Admin

  • Miss Emma Wishart

The Learning Support Faculty at Harrogate Grammar School is highly regarded. The Faculty Leader, who is also the Special Educational Needs and Disabilities Co-Ordinator (SENDCO), is responsible for ensuring that ‘additional needs’ are identified as early as possible so that appropriate assessment, advice and provision can be implemented without delay. The impact of any advice or intervention is carefully monitored and kept under review whilst the full involvement of young people and their families is at the heart of everything we do at every stage in the process.

There is a diverse range of ‘additional needs’ found within the school. For example, some students may require additional support or curricular adaptations if they have dyslexic traits or if their first language is not English. A student with a medical condition may need reasonable adjustments and support with reintegration after a prolonged period of absence. Young people who are lacking in confidence or experiencing anxiety may benefit from self-esteem work or from joining a social skills group.

For the group of students who are described as having Special Educational Needs because their additional needs are more complex, please see the separate SEND section of the website for more detailed information about our SEND provision.

The Faculty Leader is supported by a dedicated team of highly qualified specialist teachers and teaching and learning assistants (TLAs) whose experience and bespoke training enable them to deliver high quality and high impact support and intervention. This includes managers for SEMH and each key stage, trained counsellors, specialists in dyslexia, literacy, numeracy, and staff experienced in supporting students with autism. Most teaching assistants have a strong link with an academic faculty which allows them to develop expertise within subject areas. Also, TLAs are attached to pastoral year groups and are part of the House System, thereby ensuring that they are fully involved in all aspects of school life.

We work closely with our external professional partners from Education, Health and Social Care as well as consulting voluntary agencies and specialist charities such as the National Autistic Society. This collaborative, multiagency approach ensures that our assessments, advice, and interventions are well- informed by experts in each field.

There is a modern and welcoming Learning Support Base which consists of a suite of rooms, smaller tutorial areas and a specialist literacy area. At break and lunchtime we operate a ‘safe haven,’ on a referral basis, for vulnerable students who may find unstructured time overwhelming or for those who need support with social interaction skills.

We are a vibrant, dynamic and forward-looking Faculty, committed to ensuring success for all our young people who have additional needs. Through carefully tailored and closely monitored provision, we aim to support and enhance the inspirational teaching and learning that is characteristic of the school in its quest to ensure ‘excellence for all.’

If you would like more information about the work of the Learning Support Faculty, please email – Emma Wishart:

Harrogate Grammar School is part of Red Kite Learning Trust, a charitable company limited by guarantee registered in England and Wales with company number 7523507, registered office address: Red Kite Office, Pannal Ash Road, Harrogate, HG2 9PH

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