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Red Kite Learning Trust



Overall Sociology Intent

  • Sociology will help young people to develop an ability to empathise with individuals and groups from backgrounds different to their own.
  • Students will be introduced to range of different perspectives of social life and through this will be encouraged to think critically and evaluatively about the world around then.
  • The sociology curriculum encourages students to think about their role in a globalised world and consider how they will contribute to this in the future.

Key strengths of the curriculum and its sequencing

  • Sociology at HGS follows the AQA specification for sociology, which is the primary exam board responsible for assessment of this subject. This means there is a broad spectrum of national resources available in the form of textbooks and revision guides.
  • The curriculum is mapped so as to follow the order of the completion of the exams and is chunked according to specification points, providing students with a logical progression through the A-level programme.
  • Students are provided with a variety of resources, including reading materials for all major subtopics of exam papers/modules, which chunk information in an accessible way which aligns with the specification and enable the development of knowledge over time.
  • Key themes are applied throughout the module, allowing students to make links between topics. Such themes include: sociological theory; inequalities in power, socialisation, culture and identity.

Key strengths of the subject area

  • Highly experienced teachers with long-term experience of delivering AQA sociology.
  • Regular opportunity to practice assessment technique and provision of model answers to aid written skills.
  • Exam results are above national average with positive value added and over half of all students achieving A*-B over the past 3 years.
  • Varied lessons with opportunities for discussion, research, independent reading and development of literacy.
  • Sociology hosts the Let’s Start Talking society within sixth form.

REACH values in Sociology

Respect in Sociology means…

Acknowledging that other people will have different opinions and allowing them to express these freely and with confidence.

Showing tolerance of diversity according to traits such as gender, sexuality, ethnicity and religious beliefs.

Excellence in Sociology means…

Being able to analyse concepts and ideas using a range of different sociological perspectives.

Demonstrating the skill to evaluate sociological theories and recognising both the positive and negative aspects of their worldviews.

Using specialist sociological terminology in both written and verbal communication.

Adventure in Sociology means…

Recognising the relevance of sociology to real-life, current affairs.

Reading beyond the specification and showing an interest in world-events and social issues which impact on individuals and society as whole.

Commitment in Sociology means…

Showing willingness to contribute towards discussion in sociology lessons.

Being resilient when tasks and concepts are difficult and striving to overcome challenges in the subjects.

Honesty in Sociology means…

Admitting when things are difficult and seeking support in order to improve understanding and skill.

Self-assessing work and setting realistic targets to work towards in order to be the best sociologist you can be.

Curriculum overviews

Harrogate Grammar School is part of Red Kite Learning Trust, a charitable company limited by guarantee registered in England and Wales with company number 7523507, registered office address: Red Kite Office, Pannal Ash Road, Harrogate, HG2 9PH

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