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Red Kite Learning Trust



The Extended Project Qualification (EPQ) provides an opportunity for you to pursue your own academic interests in a chosen topic.

You will undertake independent research, gaining additional UCAS points for your university application and developing a range of independent research skills.

Year 12

During this one year course you will create your project which can be either a specific essay based study or the production of an ‘artefact’ (play, video, book, sculpture, photographic journal). Although this is an independent study project, you will receive support through access to a supervisor and weekly taught sessions which cover a range of study skills such as referencing, research methods and writing techniques. The EPQ is offered as a stand-alone qualification at AS and attracts a potential A grade. This valuable qualification allows you to develop useful skills for either employment or higher level study.

Examples of EPQ Project Titles

As long as you do not replicate a topic you are studying in your other A Levels you are free to be creative and choose a topic that really interests and excites you. Some examples of project titles are:

  • How is architecture affected by the need to make buildings earthquake-resistant?
  • To what extent is hydroelectricity the answer to meeting the European Union’s renewable energy targets?
  • The Death Penalty in some American States is an infringement of Human Rights
  • Is the widening income distribution gap as negative to society as it appears?

Detailed course information for the above Sixth Form courses can be found in the Sixth Form Prospectus

Harrogate Grammar School is part of Red Kite Learning Trust, a charitable company limited by guarantee registered in England and Wales with company number 7523507, registered office address: Red Kite Office, Pannal Ash Road, Harrogate, HG2 9PH