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Red Kite Learning Trust


Digital Media

Why study Digital Media

What does it take to become a successful web designer, animator, graphic designer, or film maker?

Digital media is more accessible than ever before and digital technology has transformed the way media products are produced and consumed. As a result we need to learn a wide range of skills including self-management, team working, problem solving, communication and the use of IT. Our courses are therefore aimed at helping the development of these modern digital ‘essentials’.

Key Stage 4

The Cambridge Nationals Certificate in Creative iMedia requires students to complete four units;

These include two mandatory units:

  • Pre-production skills*
  • Creating digital graphics

Plus two units from the following list:

  • Creating a multi-page website
  • Creating a digital animation
  • Digital photography
  • Designing a game concept
  • Developing digital games

*Pre-production skills is an external examination consisting if a 1 hour 15 minute written paper which will be taken in January of Year 10.


For both KS4 and KS5 each unit is awarded either a Pass, Merit or Distinction.
Dependent on the combination of these unit awards you can achieve either a Pass, Merit, Distinction or Distinction* overall.
Note: at Level 2 (KS4) a Level 1 Pass is also available.

Sixth Form – Key Stage 5

OCR Level 3 Cambridge Technicals

Course content

OCR Level 3 Cambridge Technicals in Digital Media offer specialist pathways in digital content for interactive media, and moving image and audio production. You will apply your practical skills and knowledge in preparation for further study, Higher Education or the workplace.

Designed in collaboration with experts spanning the breadth of the sector, the Cambridge Technicals in Digital Media focuses on the skills, knowledge and understanding that today’s universities and employers demand.

Detailed course information for the above Sixth Form courses can be found in the Sixth Form Prospectus

REACH values in ART

Respect in Art means….

Exploring other cultures, societies and points in time.

Acknowledging and appreciating the work of others.

Being sensitive and open to other people’s opinions, ideas and beliefs.

Taking care of the work of others within the environment.

Taking care of materials and equipment.

Listen whilst others are talking.

Excellence in Art means…

Making connections with the work of others and using this to develop your own practice.

Expressing original/imaginative ideas

Producing creative work demonstrating high levels of skills and ambitious visual literacy.

Reflecting critically on your work and progress, always striving to make improvements.

Working independently and setting your own goals through self-reflection.

Adventure in Art means…

Having the confidence to express your ideas and opinions

Exploring issues that impact upon the world and are relevant to your life and the lives of others.

Developing your own ideas and independence.

Working in a wide range of subject areas with a wide range of materials and techniques.

Taking risks with your creative practice in order to develop new ideas.

Commitment in Art means….

Visual research beyond the classroom by recording the world around you, visiting galleries, museums and exhibitions.

Taking responsibility for your own learning.

Perfecting and practicing the things you find challenging.

Asking questions to deepen your understanding.

Accepting that the creative process never stops there is always more to be done.

Striving for exceptional progress in development of skills, use of materials and development of ideas.

Honesty in Art means…

Being willing to accept and respond to feedback

Being prepared to have your own opinions whilst being sympathetic to the opinions of others.

A willingness to share your ideas, thoughts and opinions with your teacher and the group.

Curriculum overviews

Harrogate Grammar School is part of Red Kite Learning Trust, a charitable company limited by guarantee registered in England and Wales with company number 7523507, registered office address: Red Kite Office, Pannal Ash Road, Harrogate, HG2 9PH