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Red Kite Learning Trust




Computer Science at HGS aims to provide students with a deep understanding of both theoretical principles and practical applications to equip students to thrive in a rapidly-changing technological world.


The high-quality Computer Science curriculum is designed to develop students computational thinking and problem-solving abilities, equipping them with the skills required to be successful within their studies and future careers. The curriculum journey at HGS incorporates engaging and challenging topics, giving the students the opportunity to develop their computing skills, creativity and curiosity which goes beyond the National Curriculum. Our ambitious curriculum also ensures that students at HGS become digitally literate regardless of whether they pursue the discipline at KS4 and 5. 

Key strengths of the curriculum

  • Students are provided with independent learning resources that can be accessed through showbie and Smart Revise to allow them to develop their own knowledge on their own and to address any gaps that they may have. 
  • The sequencing of curriculum at all key stages is designed to build on the knowledge of the previous year. 
  • The curriculum enhances digital literacy, ensuring student are competent in navigating and using technology in everyday life.
  • Problem solving skills: the curriculum enhances critical thinking and problem-solving abilities by encouraging students to decompose complex problems and develop efficient solutions.

Golden thread themes include: algorithms, programming constructs (sequence, selection and iteration), computational thinking.

Strengths within Computer Science

  • Computer Science and Digital medial at GCSE and A-level follow the OCR Specification and used by most other Computing departments in the Red Kite Alliance.
  • Extremely experienced staff members that are experts in the field providing high quality teaching and learning.
  • Computer Science teacher with industry experience within FTSE 100 companies enabling real world teaching and expertise.

REACH Values in Computer Science

Respect in Computer Science means…

Using computer equipment, software and other resources, responsibly and considerately.

Acknowledging and appreciating the work and achievements of peers.

Offering help to peers when needed and seeking help without hesitation.

Listening actively and valuing other contributions and being open to diverse perspectives.

Excellence in Computer Science means…

Reflecting critically on your work and progress, always striving to make improvements.

Continuously learning outside the classroom, improving coding skills and staying updated with the latest technologies and trends.

Articulating ideas clearly and concisely, both verbally and written using specialist terminology.

Adventure in Computer Science means…

Having a willingness to embrace complex ideas and unfamiliar concepts.

Experimenting with new, more complex programming techniques and applying them to your work.

Taking a risk in class by asking and answering questions.

Commitment in Computer Science means…

Regularly dedicating time and effort to practice coding and theory concepts.

Striving to deeply understand core concepts and continuously improving technical skills.

Punctuality and preparedness, being on time every time for lessons, meeting homework deadlines and being prepared to engage and contribute meaningfully.

Honesty in Computer Science means…

Asking for help if you need it and communicating issues honestly.

Acting on feedback even when it requires extra work.

Writing and submitting original code for challenges and assignments.

Being prepared to change your opinion based on new information and evidence.

Detailed course information for the above Sixth Form courses can be found in the Sixth Form Prospectus

Curriculum overviews

Computer Science Curriculum KS3(pdf)

Created June 2024

Computer Science Curriculum KS3

iMedia KS4 Curriculum(pdf)

Created July 2024

Harrogate Grammar School is part of Red Kite Learning Trust, a charitable company limited by guarantee registered in England and Wales with company number 7523507, registered office address: Red Kite Office, Pannal Ash Road, Harrogate, HG2 9PH

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