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Red Kite Learning Trust


50 Year Reunion Event

Alumni 50 Years

Alumna Frances Howie (née Evans), alumnus Duncan Finlyson and friends would like to invite alumni who left HGS in 1974 to a 50 Year Reunion Event at Harrogate Grammar School.  Please see the invite below, we hope you can make it!

Tickets will be priced between £20.00 to £25.00, this will include a buffet and room hire.  A pay as you go bar will be available on the night.  During the event, there will be a guided tour of the school. 

The more people who come, the lower the ticket price.  Partners are more than welcome to come along, provided they promise not to be bored by the phrase “Do you remember…?”  Any profit from ticket sales will be donated to the school PTA. 


The Main Hall at Harrogate Grammar School


7.30pm-11.00pm on Saturday 12 October 2024

RSVP your interest:

Frances Howie

Duncan Finlyson

by 31 July

Purchase your ticket:

Tickets will be available to purchase from August, and details will be shared with those who have expressed an interest in the event. 

image for website

Harrogate Grammar School is part of Red Kite Learning Trust, a charitable company limited by guarantee registered in England and Wales with company number 7523507, registered office address: Red Kite Office, Pannal Ash Road, Harrogate, HG2 9PH

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